Saturday, November 22, 2008

Process Resource Limits

Having seen the task_struct structure representing a process in kernel, in this post we shall discuss one very important field of task_struct, named rlim (#line 460 in the snapshot of sched.h in last post). A process can never access the system resources how much ever it wants. Linux kernel imposes limits on the amount of resources a process is allowed to use, so that a single process cannot cause other processes to starve by itself consuming large amounts of resources. There are RLIM_NLIMITS types of resources a process can use. The kernel specifies limits on all of these RLIM_NLIMITS types of resources; for kernel 2.6, the value of RLIM_NLIMITS is 13. See the snapshot of file include/asm-i386/resource.h below, which contains the macros for all 13 resource types.

All Linux processes are assigned the same values of resource limits when they are created. However, after creation, a process can increase or decrease its limits. The resource limits of a process are stored in the
rlim field of the process descriptor. The rlim field is a 13 elements array of type struct rlimit, which is defined in file include/linux/resource.h. (Snapshot below)

rlimit structure contains two fields specifying current and maximum limits of a resource (also called soft and hard limits, respectively) to be used by a process. Using system calls getrlimit()/setrlimit(), any process can increase/decrease its soft limits up to corresponding hard limits. Hard limits of a process can only be increased if the particular process has superuser privileges. Therefore, a “normal” process may use getrlimit()/setrlimit() system calls to irreversibly decrease its hard limits.

If a process exceeds the consumption of a resource beyond the assigned soft limit, the kernel signals the process, or the system call (e.g.
malloc, fopen) trying to consume the resource fails with errno set to appropriate value. For example, the signals SIGXCPU, SIGXFSZ, SIGSEGV are fired when a process exceeds RLIMIT_CPU, RLIMIT_FSIZE, RLIMIT_STACK respectively.

This was the general background; in the next post we will practically see the actual limits imposed on Linux processes, and how these limits are assigned.

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